Have you ever wondered why you just don’t get the response you had hoped for when you advertise your products or services on social media or talk to prospective customers?

After all, the products are great – can’t they tell when you’ve gone to so much trouble to list the features and offer such a great price?


The problem is this…

Your customers decision to buy is an emotional one. It’s ALL about how you make them FEEL…

And whilst features and a great price are nice, they rarely hit the emotional hot spot that triggers a decision to buy..

Talking about the features of what you are offering is fine, but, it’s the BENEFITS TO THEM by way of transformation that is all your customers really care about. So we need to tune into what they are thinking… and we need to talk about stuff that matters TO THEM.

We need to tell them a story about how getting on board with your products and services will make them feel something better today than they did yesterday…

We need to understand their drives, their pains, their dreams…

Your job as an entrepreneur, is to make the people you interact with feel good… feel hope… feel possibility… feel understood…

We need to tell them a story that they can relate to… one they can feel connected to and we need to build their trust through showing them that OUR story, is actually THEIR story too…

As human beings we feel drawn to people who understand us… people who resonate with our struggles…and share our dreams… we want to follow people who understand how it is for us, without judgement, and who can show us how to improve our lives…

So telling your own story matters because it gives others that way to connect with you… to be inspired by you… to want to have what you have to offer…

We need to show them how your brand will help them become the person, deep down, they really want to be… help them build a positive identity for themselves…

Great Story-telling allows you to express what they’re already thinking – they’ll feel like you’re reading their mind…

And THAT is what builds rapport, relationships…and ultimately sales.


Your Story Matters. Tell It!

Much Love

Claire x