QUALITY – through excellence in delivery & service

EFFECTIVENESS – to engage & get results

CONTRIBUTION – to positively impact the world


WildHeart Web Design provides powerful solutions for aspiring heart-centered leaders to instantly increase authority, wealth & global reach.


I am building the world’s easiest to use website creation resource for aspiring leaders who want to go global with their message.


QUALITY – Top quality results are what I aim to achieve every time I work with my clients. I do not wish to be mediocre or a disappointment for myself or my clients. The quality of my work matters highly to me and I will do what it takes to provide a quality result.

COMMITMENT – I am committed to my clients and their satisfaction and success. I set myself standards & I live by them. I recognise that I earn my own respect & success through my character, my dedication and my consistent actions.

ADVENTURE – I know what makes my heart sing and feelings of adventure make me feel alive. I therefore consciously create time for such experiences, and in fact, choose to look upon every new experience as an adventure. Therefore succeed or fail, by trying, I just keep winning!

PERSONAL GROWTH – I am dedicated to personal growth. I am a knowledge junkie and am fascinated by the history, future and beauty of our natural world and it’s (sometimes challenging) people. I love to understand others and this gives me an edge with marketing, design & using the power of the written word. I have an acute interest in the way the human mind works and why we do what we do and I recognise that the more I know and experience, not only the happier I am, but the more knowledge I have to share, serve and understand others.

FUN – I strongly believe that laughter is medicine for the mind and body and essential in keeping us healthy. In pursuit of happiness (and unleashing my inner comedian), I actively seek out the fun, humour & positive in any situation, and at all times search to give the events of my life the meaning that will empower me and bring me joy. I also look to do this for others.

CONTRIBUTION – I strongly believe that my success lies in the success of others. As I execute my mission and purpose with passion & dedication, I aim to empower the people who’s lives I touch. My success follows their success. I am passionate about empowering women and showing them how much they matter.

CREATIVITY – I am naturally creative (and yes, a perfectionist) and will commit 100% to providing the best of my creativity when formulating work for my customers

INTEGRITY – I aim, at all times to present my opinions and experience with complete integrity, committing 100% to giving the best of myself at all times and helping others create positive change in their business and lives. I aim to speak my truth & communicate what is in my heart with kindness, but without pretence. I will reveal what feels true to me.

FREEDOM – I value freedom of mind and spirit in my own life. I actively seek to set my mind free of all negative beliefs and create a powerful mindset of certainty and self trust and self-love, allowing me to take the action needed to fulfil my mission, live with purpose and be my very best at all times for myself and for those around me.

COURAGE – I am courageous. I am willing to push myself to do what it takes to grow in ways that assist me in reaching my goals so that I can be my best for those around me.

COMPASSION – I approach others with understanding. I do my best not to judge. I aim to show compassion & treat others with the same respect with which I would wish to be treated myself. I am an Empath.